BEC 《本叔的商業英語》32 – 又是樣板費,又是連樣板費都不付的屌絲客戶


在我心目中,有两个golden rule。




BEN 叔,先讲讲客户的背景:




Thanks for your feedback

Attachment the color box template with XXX and YYY ,you still need send your unique design to us for printing

Also i wondering whether you don’t need the YYY ,25 & 30cm diameter order ?

Regarding to the shipping charge,Usually if you are not our old customer ,customer need to pay the samples shiping charge ,hope you can understand (廣東話有一句叫「抓老鼠進米缸」,妹子這今次就是這樣了。為什麼要告訴他有些人有特權呢?如果你說我們公司的規矩是打死都不付運費的,那麼他可能 1.直接不理你 2. 直接就付錢了。回到文中最開頭的話,要是你產品你公司夠吸引,買方求著你要看呢,運費還用談嗎?要是你的產品一般般只是求你垂青,那你樣板免費到他手上了又如何呢?)



Hi C

Thank you for your email & highlighting that we should consider the 25 & 30 cms for our selection

Please advise the cost of each item

So we can review & consider if to include in range

Please see below our warehouse / office address & phone / fax #’s

Send samples to this address marked for my attention

Best regards





Great to know you will choose two items ,you can check my quotation ,price as follow :

25CM diameter price IS USDXXX/Pcs

30CM Diameter price is USDYYY/Pcs

Price is not including the extra package

Regarding to the samples shipping charge , If you didn’t have freight collect account ,You can send USD 50$ to us By paypal ,then we direct ship the samples to you as soon as possible

Our paypal account is YYYYYY

waiting for your prompt reply




C again ,sorry for this trouble ,yes, i know you are very busy but i just wondering whether you still need to samples right now , we don’t want to be annoying if you don’t need to this samples (我之前的文字中說過,跟進項目是你的日常工作之一,不用太低姿態,不用sorry又怕煩到你又怕吵醒你。最後那句特別不好,容易被誤會這是有情緒的話。我明白你在中文只是想禮貌地解釋,但到了英文讀起來可能有異意。注意。)

Waiting for your prompt reply

Have a great day !



Hi C

Thank you for your email – we have been extremely busy after the trade shows.

But we are very grateful for your attention to our enquiry after the XXX Fair

We are interested in trialling your products through our stores & are considering placing an initial order for;

1000 xXXX

1000 x Set YYY

If they are successful ( as we think they will be) we will be placing larger repeat orders


We need to see one sample of each set to put before our Buyers

We have placed orders in excess of US$400,000 after the shows

Our suppliers cooperate with us by supplying samples FOC

If you do not think it is worth investing by providing 2 samples then we will look elsewhere for this type of product

Best regards


谢谢 ben 叔看完,我今天的想法是投资看看,公司不出这个钱,我自己出

好了,以上是同学仔的故事。讲真,如果我是老板,这根本不应该是扔给外贸猿去决定的事。 50大刀的事,吃个午饭都不够,我不知有什么好想的。老板你出了钱去参展,花了钱招同学仔帮你做外贸找客户,好啦现在有人问了,你却在纠结这点小钱。呵一个呵,没钱真的别学人家做生意了。不过我们作为案例,就不要管他是多少钱的事好了。我们以事论事,叔叔觉得这案例听起来算是靠普,因为:

- 他说「our store」,所以这应该是一个零售商(可能是网店也说不定)。我在上一次的门徒采购课中(对了,其实叔叔不是教英文,而是一个有十多年500强采购经验的外资总监,你知道吗?)分析了标品与OEM客户的分别。零售商买的一般是标品,同时也要处理很多不同品类的标品,规格可以很浮动,不一定是非要某种产品不可,那怕你跟你对手有很大的差异化。这意味着就算你有超好的产品和条件,客户也没有一个非要你不可的理由。还不明白?那算了(笑)。所以=》这客户没有必要跟你磨运费,你不做拉倒,我买其他品类去。我货架不一定要有你这一类产品的。

- Initial order 1000套是一个什么样的概念?我们也不得而知,但同学仔可以去想一想,1000套作为试单是否合理?他有多少个店?每店放多少货?考验你的行业经验的时间到了。

- 可是有一点挺可疑的,就是同一个电邮却转了另一个人。这让我怀疑这是不是一个规模很细的蚊型公司(网店?)。大公司入职即有个人邮箱,绝无理由要共用。这点怪怪的。

- 该去起一下他的底子。要是根据名片上的资料什么都没找着的话,这客户很可疑。 facebook, linkedin, google。 。 。全都用上,看看他的公司是怎样的。

对于这个案子,我的意见是付钱就算了。但付钱完事的话就不用BE(一句Yes I do就没我的事了!),所以我的范文就写一下如何跟他磨吧!


Thanks for your response and indication about your view on the sample shipping cost. As a matter of fact, I have seen your website and believe that your business fits quite well to our product and the trial order seem reasonable with respect to your distribution capacity. (老套路,先说好话。这是一个很科学的心理学应用。然后,我这些字眼会给老外一个感觉:这人懂行情。专业的BE就有这个神效。)

I am about to say yes to just send you the sample in no time without you paying a buck. (A buck,一美元。就是说我是多么想你不花一毛也能看到我们的样板啊!)However the corporate policy doesn’t allow me to do so. Although I tried hard to change my boss mind and give him an idea about your business, I failed. (可是啊,我老板是个SB,明明你那么厉害那么了不起他都不卖帐,真是的~)That mean, if I want to make our sample available to you, I will have to pay this US50 from my own pocket – one-tenth of my salary..(这是戏玉:所以呢,要是我想你看看我家样板我就得自己淘钱啦。。。人家工资才三千大元呢,这运费就去了我十分之一了,你说咋办好呢大哥?(汗)叔叔这是拼了老命帮你了。。。我一个大男人真说不出这些话。但你一个小屁孩,怕什么。)

I wish you could reconsider your decision. I am confident our product is suitable to you. (再考虑考虑呗~我不会骗你的我们都是好东西啊~)It seem to me very reasonable that we both invest on the opportunity. We will provide you the sample FOC while you pay for the transportation. (这是一个公平的原则。你如此英雄无敌就不能跟我一个小孩子公平一点吗?)Let’s don’t waste the opportunity that we met and make this business works.


Ben (这真的不是Ben。。。)

哎马,这是个多么低姿态又实用的谈判战略啊! !但真别当我在开玩笑,我猜对一半的中年男性买家有效。最少对我一般会有效。这跟你长得美不美头像是否好看不一定有关,因为这样写很有诚意,也让我会觉得「嗯,是该公平一点的」。不过,请不要迷信这样的邮件是不是一定有效,因为你本来就输了八成的了,一封电邮,不会那么神的,只是让你多一份机会而已。

BEC 《本叔的商業英語》53 – 停產,離職與順便插老板一刀的電郵


对将要离开公司的同学来说,最舍不得的除了工资提成外,一定就是客户资源了。我曾经说过,业务员是带不走客户的,工厂老板勿怕。可是在这几年在外贸圈见到了更多的小公司和SOHO后,我开始怀疑我这个立论。连你老板本身都不该在这条value chain里存在的,那换了你,或者换了Mr. Wang,又有什么分别呢?这搬运工的活儿,我看谁来做都行。难怪那么多培训老尸都教你们要好好听你的主子和上帝的话。


这样做实在非常差。这样叫人如何在这圈子混下去呢?老板教的拖,是最差最差的customer service,也是很坏很坏的心计。你好坏都有个答案啊!一般来说,越是拖得久客户便越没有选择,边骂你却又得边下单给你,对公司当然不会是坏事。可是呢,坏的却是你这个人的声誉。你这样的service,你觉得你还用在这个圈子混下去吗?你不就唯有转个行业了?老板一石二鸟,心计如此,细思极恐。叔叔道破天机,望同学们察之!慎之!




With deepest regards,(又万分遗憾,给出一种非我本意的感觉) I am writing to inform you 30/12/2017 is my last day with XXXX Co. Ltd.

I would like to take the chance to thanks for all your support in the past. In particular, I would like to apologize to those recently suffered from our production comma. (我特别对那些受到近期断货的客户致歉。这里介绍你用production comma,比breakdown好多了。comma是中文标点的逗号,有暂停之意,会再开的,但暂时不能) Although I’ve try my best to manage, the situation isn’t too much under my control. (重点来了!非不为也,实不能力!作为你的业务代表,我对我公司的情况也是有心无力。客户其实不多不少都知道你只是个小员工,虽然结果是不好的,但尽了心也希望能拿回点同情分。尽量给出一个感觉是你被公司卖了,所以我也不能呆在这样的破公司再祸害人间了。) I understand the impact it could possibly bring to you. Your patience is much appreciated.

Being in the industry for 13 years, my new career would still be in the XXXX field. I am looking forward to serve you and serve you better in the future. (伏笔:我们会再见的/我会找你再做生意的。13年了我还能去年?这等专业的业务员您也是不易找到啊。青山绿水,we do business next time!)

All the best, (这是最适合用这个结尾的地方)



BEC 《本叔的商業英語》9 – DDU怎么谈才好?




以下是我的回复,自我感觉比之前进步好多,但是自己读读还是觉得挺生硬的。请Ben叔叔改改,谢谢!Ben叔叔轻点喷。 ;-)


Hi I,

I am about ready to place more orders for 4mm white?

Let me know if you are interested in doing business with us.

Material to be paid upon arrival.


Hi ,
Very glad to get your 2nd inquiry.

?To be honest, our standard payment terms is 100% prepaid before loading. (30% deposit before production + 70% balance paid before loading ). I don’t want you think we are too rigid, but actually this is also the standard terms in our industry.?(这句不错,不是英文不错,而是看到诚意。Standard term不要乱吹,真的是standard才说,不然客户看到其他供应商不是这个standard时会迷之怒。)

I’ve do my best to persuade our management to meet your request, but it’s too hard for?us to fully accept your way. I hope you can understand my thoughts.?(你又不解释为什么不能接受,只说是高层争取过了,说服力不够。不过好像比上几篇说:我跟老板说了下他就答应减价了。。。要好很多了。

We cherish every customer,?(cherish, 用字不錯)so below is the our solutions for you:
25% deposit before production, we also need deposit to pay our raw material supplier, 75% balance paid 15 days after see the copy of bill of lading.?(注意。。。你这句在说,我的物料成本只是占了25%其他的除了人工就是利润了~哇。。。1元的料4元卖出去,暴利啊。。。另一个要点,客户可能会觉得你这什么破公司?买料都不够钱了?我还敢用你吗?)

At this way you will pay balance when material almost arrive at you. I hope this make you feel much better.

I understand as a serious buyer you may worry about our quality,?(感觉除了品质外,他在乎的还有其他。你先别一厢情愿地以为人家对你的品质没信心。。。还是你自己没信心?)my suggestion is you can request a third party to inspect goods before shipment, we will do shipment until get approval from your inspection. We welcome inspections before shipments, this help assured for both buyers and us. Or you can place a trial order to check our quality and services before place regular orders.

I hope this time can make you satisfied.



DDU – Delivered Duty Unpaid (named place of destination)
This term means that the seller delivers the goods to the buyer to the named place of destination in the contract of sale. A transaction in international trade where the seller is responsible for making a safe delivery of goods to a named destination, paying all transportation and customs clearance expenses but not the duty. The seller bears the risks and costs associated with supplying the goods to the delivery location, where the buyer becomes responsible for paying the duty and taxes.





Ben叔叔认为logic应该是这样的。1,?你的单我当然是要接定的了,现在只剩下一个简单的技术性问题,我们可以谈好的。2,我们也没做过DDU,不过我查了,以下是整个费用的清单。3,您看看其实也不是那么危险的。4,?风险是对等的啊,我们也有担心呢~ 5,所以,一人让一步吧。



Of course I am ready to intake your order :)? We’ve spent long time together trying to make things happen (yeah…yeah..ok.. 文法老師又来说我错吧)and I am sure we can figure it?out. (拉拉战斗友谊。不过此处这一段不是所有情况都合适。有时,你想拉近距离,有时你却是想怎样保持礼貌的距离。这一点要你自己决定。)

As an industrial norm?(Norm跟standard差不多,不过standard是个比较科学和生硬的字), 100% payment before shipment has it reason.? If you are so kind (这里我用了你们一直很爱的Kind字。为什么?)to put yourself into my shoes: you get a paper or sometime just a verbal?confirmation from customer and then you start to spend money on material and processing.? Until the goods arrive your customer you don’t get anything back.? The risk and the cash cycle are just too much for us.??(要让他明白你的处境,这个put yourself into my shoes是挺好用的)

We also notice your request on DDU term.? To be frank we don’t normally work on this term simply because we don’t understand the risk behind it. (不明白这个风险,所以我们很少做DDU。非常合理)?In order to win your order (我是有多想要你的订单啊!)we seriously look into it and work together with a logistic provider who has good experience and presence in your country.? (要说明,你找的不是一个一般的三流物流公司。他们专业,更重要的,是熟悉贵国情况
)I do a total cost breakdown for your reference by attachment with the hope that make our cost structure more visualize to you.(这就是服务!不是你嘴上常说的服务好,不是那种跪着接单管接管送管陪玩的服务。这是实际解决客户痛点,为他增值的服务。)

We’ve been looking for a reasonable middle point that balance our risk and cost, and here is the proposal:?(列点是最能清楚条理的方法)

1.???We need XX% of deposit to kick off this project and cover all the related cost (material + overhead)
2.??We will do DDU, as you wish.? (as you wish, 如你所愿)We will cover part of your risk.
3.??Feel free to arrange 3rd party inspection if it is necessary.? However I personally don’t think it is a must.? We have a quality system that you can trust. (你要派人来可以,但我觉得没这个必要)
4.??We offer extra 15 days for your incoming inspection before paying us the balance.? This make sure you have enough time to check and reduce your quality risk. (仁至义尽了吧)

?This is by far the best deal we’ve offered.? I hope this time we could start the business.

BEC 《本叔的商業英語》7 – 这是真客吗?


扯回这次的案例。当我还在500强当采购时,有大规模项目都会正式的用RFQ(request for quotation)。就算是小项目,也很习惯地把大量背景写出来。为什么?因为:


Hi BEN叔,


Hello C,

Thank you very much for attention to this email.

?My name is B? and I’m the Operations Manager for XX.?(比起那些一个电邮只说send me your best price那种屌丝客户,这个礼貌多了。不过,这封电邮有点怪,看下去。

-??We are a large wholesale supplier to the promotional products industry, supplying distributors in the industry and not end users.(啊~?原来做促销品的。这个行业的特点是不停地需要新的供应商。对新供应商友善,是工作的一部分。。。)

-??We have been in business over 16 years, and we are highly respected with our current suppliers and have A+ credit ratings with both our domestic and overseas vendors.(这个A+什么的就不用太认真了,除非他是国际认可的标准,例如D&B。)

-??We have our own company and 2 other associated family businesses both doing very high volumes in the promotional product industry.

-??We advertise through trade organizations very heavily and produce up to 70-75 orders per day, with about 1/3 of these orders being XX items.?(看到这里。。。老外,你又有点太详细了吧?)

-??At the moment we are currently in the middle of a major advertising campaign to build our XX? business further, so we are very serious about our investment in this area.

-??We are very please with our current factory, however we’re researching other factories currently because our business is expending rapidly, and we would like to establish a business relationship with another vendor.(老外你那么老实。。。。我特么不习惯啊。。。仿佛看到一个老好人在后面对你微笑一样。。。又或者。。。奸笑。。。)

-??We’re interested in receiving more information about your factory’s customer service, product quality, lead times, pricing, and shipping costs. Please also advise if your factory provides any rush services on lapel pins or any other products.?(这里明确地列出他的要求了)

-??The majority of our products orders ship directly to our warehouse (zip code XX) via Fedex/UPS priority international as a bulk shipment and then we handle the shipping to our clients from our warehouse.

-??We will provide your factory with camera ready artwork for the proofs. Please kindly advise the turnaround time to receive a proof.(太详细了,不过我也真见过一些过度详细的老外)

-??If your pricing is good, and we continue our discussion about doing business together, we will have to have a valid Price Sheet from your factory.
We simply do to much business to receive pricing from you on a case by case basis.(这句老外也错文法了。。。挺正常的,不要介意。Business English 不看这些。)

-??Please provide us with a shipping quotation if possible, or please advise if your? pricing already includes the shipping costs.

-??It would be great to get set up with you and try out your services.

-??We have a large product range which includes XX. So if there is any other products you can provide us with information on please do so.(看,这是促销品的一贯做法。他们需要很多不同的新产品。)

-??Get back to me as soon as possible and let’s start a dialogue. Thank you


Hello B,

Thanks for kindly introduction on you and your esteemed company.?(又是教科书吧?Esteemed company不算是跪着说话,但用语也是重了点。可以用,但不太建议。)

It’s great to know your main business and we do hope to establish long term win-win business relationship with your esteemed company and become your stable and reliable supplier in China.(赞一个。Stable and reliable了,而不是cheap and best friend in china)

For XX products, we have more advantages of bulk production, quick turnaround and excellent quality guarantee.
1) For XXl items, X days for samples and X days for mass production( it will be rechecked based on detailed design & quantity)
??? For X products, X days for samples and X days for mass production( depends on design & quantity as well)
??? Rush lead time on all items are firmly supported without extra charge.

2) For the every beginning stage, we appreciate your detailed design inquiries or trial order for evaluation. For the following cooperation, price list will be arranged corresponding for your regular orders.?

3) Regarding shipment by UPS ( priority service), the rough freight is as below.

???? A.? within 20kg?? US$25/0.5kg+ US$4.30/0.5kg ( e.g 3kg = US$25+ US$4.3? x2.5 x2? =US$46.50)
???? B.?? 21-44kg??? US$6.0/kg
???? C.?? 45-70kg?? US$5.7/kg
???? D.? over 71kg? US$5.40/kg

4) We are always responsible for our customers.
???? 1. X – Keep for 3 years since the last date of shipment
???? 2. Free Artwork services
???? 3. Quality- strictly follow order instruction and approved artwork.???
???? 4. No MOQ for all items
???? 5.? Welcome to visit us once you and your team come to China.

Looking forward to our next dialogue
整体上,这还是个不错的回应。可是,这叫做一问一答。人家问多少,你就答多少。在回文中,可以以一个比例作回应。Says,8成是回答老外的问题(尽量一条一条全部回答。我见过太多太多问三条答一条的供应商了),2成是“策略性文字”。这是什么鬼?你就不想做一个有互动的供应商吗?你就不想很有针对性地说说你究竟有多适合成为他的供应商吗?我指的是“针对性”啊,而不是那种要跟人家establish long term relationship的陈腔滥调。

BEC 《本叔的商業英語》6 – 洪荒之力来了!

这节我挑了一篇典型的中式英文。所谓的中式英语,是大家花了无数光阴硬背的英语单词,从小被老师挑剔出来的语法,以及考试前夜各种笔记中的回忆,统统总合起来的一种体现。用着中文的思维,去写英文的邮件,才是真真真正的硬伤。–,The good news is, 我们离开学校后要学的不是英国文学,不是莎士比亚。我们学英文是用来“用”,不是用来“炫”,你要懂的不是英式红茶的种类,不是美国共和民主党的差别(当然,你能懂更好。。。)。要写好的BE,你要懂的只是西方的商业习惯。一下子范围就缩小了,是不是对学好BE的信心大了很多?





I know you were busy these days.

Are you watching Olimpics games? ?(做个spell check 不难的,你只需要right click红字。)

With one of very popular internet slang, ” I have used my core power to obtain the new discount”.
(EXCUSE ME ??!!! 洪荒之力都出来了!!说真的,你觉得老外知道你在说什么吗。。?有些joke,只是我们中国人能明白。。。就算了吧。。。)

So I hope it could give you some help.

Thanks a lot! May I ask what’s your opinion with the new prices?

(看得出来你是花了洪荒之力才想出怎样才好像是不经意地问老外:你看价格可以不?怎么说呢。。我不是你所以我可能不懂,但既然老外你问价时那么认真了,我又花了那么多时间去给你报价了,老外你其实回一回我邮件绝对是应!份!的!一句How is the quotation? 直接提醒一下就是一份礼貌的距离了。)

Best regards,

Dear XXXX(3个客户人员),

Hope you all had a good weekend!

My Boss and sales manager had a meeting regarding the YYY cases, and also we talked about the aluminum material supplier to cost down the cost.?(文法错了,不注解。)

They agreed to give us 5% off on mateiral? within the next 10 days!? it will be 3% off in total price.?(此处注意。这样你的material成本比例就暴露了。这不一定有所谓,但你open book 给客户看的那个比例要对得上,不然就会被challenge。。) So we would like to give you this offer;

In order to establish long business relationship with you, my boss would like to show his greatest sincerity, he is willing to give up the only 5% profit.

(来了来了。。。我指的中式思维来了。。你这真的是在挑战国际惯例!!我很理解你在国内跟客户称兄道弟喝酒时说:我那5个点不赚了都算你的好了,谁让咱是好哥们。然而,你信我吧!文化不同啊。。。老外第一反应必须是:你骗谁啊?没利润谁做啊?另外,“long business relationship, greatest sincerely….必须加上as your best friend in china,才能组成让老外调笑的三合一chinglish大招啊!!)

So there is new next 8 % off for you totally.( this must be the lowest price this year we would offer).
(8% cost down是太高还是太低我不知道,行业各异,但有一点肯定的,此文没针对客户是因为exchange rate的问题而来的成本痛点做上什么。你只是“跟老板开了个会”,“跟供应商聊了聊物料价”,然后,奇迹就出现了,8个点马上就能下来。记住:所有cost down都必须有理由,不然后面就有你受的了。延伸读物是本叔写的“VE价值工程”一文。

We regard you as value as much, and please find the revised formal quoation as attached.

P.S? Because the supplier give us a time limited, so if you agree with new price,? we are going to sign the material purchasing right now, and I will sent the PI for you soon.

Thanks and have good day!

Best regards,


Hi J

I’m sure we can do something. N(客戶的同事), I’m sure will be in touch with you soon like you we are all finding it hard this year so anything you can dicoumt (人家不做spell check啊,谁让他是客?你可不行!)would be great.

Kind regards



I am glad we are back to track eventually.?
We’ve been waiting your feedback for long.?
As a matter of fact, we put quite some effort to keep our offer valid up to the challenge of the recent currency fluctuation.?

I will explain. (THANKS GOD感谢主你终于回来了。这句是有很轻微怪责的意味的,小心。但我们还是该怪责他一下的,不对吗?都为你准备好这么多了,你看,你不在时我们仍然想尽办法帮你保持原价,你却走远了。。。你的良心呢?记住,像一个人一样去聊天,像一个君子一样去怪责,没有问题的。如果他有其他更好的选择,你跪着说话他也是会走的,懂吗?)

I am not sure we could offer you any further discount as you’ve got already our best offer. (I am not sure 是非常非常好用的负面词。这是所有老美一听就懂的NO两个字的客气版。) Be assured the offer you’ve got is not something we will let go normally.?
(Be assured就是说,信我吧!没骗你的!同一意思。)Yet, we understand the impact of the currency exchange rate could be a short term risk to you. (强调short term, 就是你不能用一个短期的风险来谈价格的,大家都不傻。但我也知道兄弟你也有难处的,我们来想想办法。)

What we would like to suggest is that we engage into a price change mechanism.? (这是个我常用的谈判手段。这里不详说了,有机会在《假装在500强》写一下。)Put it simple, the rule is that when the exchange rate does not in favor to you, you’ll be compensated; when the rate come back to normal level, we back to our original offer.? The attached document further explain it in details.

I wish that idea could strengthen your fate in our business.? (加强你对着生意的信念。你不是求他,你是在帮他成事。毕竟给你下单了对他也是件好事,对不对?)Unfortunately we have to put a period of validity of this offer (as this is obviously our way to trigger the business launch).? (学问在这里!!我上面说,“今天做特价啊亲,不买明天就没有啊亲”不要得,但我这里就用了。Ben叔你自打嘴巴啊。。。其实我特别加上这句就是想说,要是你真的想用这方法去逼他早点下单,那么请你直接说。我们就是为了让你早点下单的,怎样?有时,光明正大做个小人也是一种手段啊。。)

I am available to talk with you online any time.? Just give me a ring.



BEC 《本叔的商業英語》4 – 客户由于质量问题不付款怎么办(下)

续上一个故事,双方一直在拉锯是先让重验货还是先付钱。跳过一些细节,老外后来翻脸了,直指D小姐办事不力,向她的老板K先生投诉了。单从business English 的角度,这一节的例子都写得很专业,所以我就不作修改了。那么我们就在一旁静静地看着他们装B吧。


Hi K/D,

?I tried to call D’s phone but failed.

We relooked into the remittance of USDXXX and found that we had accidently paid you too much. We had now stopped the payment to recalculate. We will send through payment again after recalculation. I wanted to discuss with Dora on the phone but it seems that you are avoiding answering my phone calls.


We do not know what reason you could not arrange our QC’s ?inspection. There must be some quality issues otherwise you could have arranged our QC to check the goods. We made 30% upfront payment on this product based on the trust to your company. It is unfair that you do not follow our instruction. As my discussion with my boss, we would rather not deliver the skirts if there is going to have potential problem.


You must communicate with us ASAP as tomorrow is the cutoff date for the skirts!


I would appreciate a phone call from you as dealing with Dora on this matter has not been beneficial for either of us.
(这一句有时可以害死一个尽责的同事了。。。。。我的确是有点偏袒某一方,但这个案例我也不必太客观,反正在看戏。。。)I will await your phone call,
Kind regards


Dear XXX,

That has make me so surprised and disappointment (建议大家多用surprise and disappointed这两个高雅地表达不满的字眼)when I saw YYY’s email. Pls take exactly immediate action to push all thing come back the right way.

I am really appreciated for D has strictly complied with company’s policy. And pls clearly to be noted, all her previous and coming actions are under my authorization!


Here I would like to list the details again, even thought D has shown your side for many times:

QC inspection for TCS:

All of us know well about Q, and they represent the authority in the field. The end customer has enough confidence to them. I have been working together them in the past several years, and really know well for all the procedure. So I think that is no necessary from your side to doubt their QC report.

For make all things come back on the road, and show our strong willing to continue the business I would like to show our procedure(we only accept this solution at this moment):



We believe above solution is our final accepting solution, and would not accept any future re-negotiation.

I would like to reiterate here, D has my all authority under handling this issue. For any future connection pls contact with her directly.
