《假裝在500強》第一章 第三节

如果是四,五年前碰到这样的事件,他早已急不及待要表现自己了。可是这两年他明显变了,深沈了。他习惯了回办公室后先冲一杯咖啡,然后把email?列表扫一眼而不细看。抓到个大概感觉后,他会按发件人的重要性,标题的严重程度来决定先看那一封。每天有上百个电邮,不用这方法他根本不能在lunch time?前看完。作为采购头子,有一些电邮他知道根本是不用看的。一堆中国供应商的开发信,一些下面的采购小弟小妹们来的日常工作,稳占了他最少一半以上的邮箱空间。
Ben早就读了业务总监mike那封十万火急的电邮。他没有马上回。他在等。等他顶头上司Scott表明态度了他才表态。事无大小他都是如此。年青时他爱抢风头,永远是抢在第一时间表现自己的活跃。后来碰了一次特别大的钉后就改了。他明明知道这事是他管的他必须回应的,也明明知道老板Scott会扔给他处理,只是他更清楚功高盖主是死罪。他宁愿act dump,也不要让COO猜忌他。这种公司,白痴一点有时反而是好事。
I am on it. ?Just spoke with the supplier and seem like they don’t even realize this problem in the first sense. ?Investigation is on going on their side and I am closely following.
This is not their first delivery and no problem was spotted in the last few shipments. ?Supplier take this as a reason/excuse to shift the responsibility back to us. ?In the mean time I am unable to response unless we make it clear on our side.
I start to wonder if there is anything missing in the spec. and therefore they are not able to spot it. ?JC – any thought?
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