BEC 本叔的商業英語-《40》讓我們和平分手吧 (上)
开发信中有句说得特别「别扭」的话,「We wish to be your business partner in China……..」。按绝大部分的人「高级理解」,你有钱赚我有钱赚了,那不是partner吗,那还不是win-win吗?可是,要是客户没单呢?还partner吗?这一连两篇,叔叔教你什么才称得上partner,什么才会一个好供应商应该要做的事。
1. 客户邮件来问要下单的时间安排:
Hi Y,
We are going to place the order soon for peak (with ETA @ port on 1st week of Oct = ETD in china on Mid to End Aug). assuming we need to ship the good to UK on Mid to End Aug, when do you need to receive the order?
Product Manager
2. 我收到邮件后立刻回复说之前已经确认不再接单,请换供应商。
Hi C,
I think we made it very clear that the on-going order 050390(LGU10517) is the last order we can support.
Please contact your other supplier for order supporting.
?Kind Regards,
3. 客户回复说他以为我经理(Ms.S)同意继续合作。但实际我经理也同意我的决定。不再合作
Hi Y
?I thought you made the decision with S to continuous the business . isn’t it ? is he still incharge the sales team?
Product Manager
4. 所以我邮件回复:告知我们一直在跟他明确表示要终止合作,现在手上的订单是最后一次配合。
Hi C,
xxx team made this clear in any related conversation with you when order 050390 was placed.
The quality & products certification compliance level your company required are far above than what xxx can provide at this stage.
And we suggest you shift order to suppliers who matched with your level(哎马,your level!! 我什么level啦?我知你不是那个意思,但这表达。。). And order 050390 is the last order we could support .
Order 050390 will be ready for inspection on 2017-6-20 and air ship to UK afterwards.
Please place order to your other supplier if any new request comes. Many thanks.
Kind Regards,
5. 然后客户回复了一封邮件,表达继续合作的意愿:
Hi S and Y,
We have been working with you a while to establish and explore the opportunity in LED business, I can see our business is growing both UK and Nordic (知道nordic是什么吗?北欧。非常好的市场)market. therefore, I am not recommend (老外这封信是很值得学习的。Not recommend 是个适当的态度。我不会求你,就算我真的是求你,难道我就写I beg you吗?)to give up our relationship as we all understand xxx is one of our most important partner to drive our business!! (好的采购,一向是懂软比懂硬重要!)
The business is quite challenging over the last couple of years, xxx helping us a lots in terms of product knowledge , marketing insight and testing standard, I can’t see the point to stop the relationship (我看不到那个原因。这一句欧美人士很常用。不过你不是看不到,只是你故意不看而已。。。)so easy as we were passing through all painful process now, it should be the moment to enjoy all reward with the growing of our business. (各位同学仔,记得之前那篇客户不少心发现我坑了他吗?这「苦尽甜来你却走了」的套路又出现了,不过今次不是出自叔叔之手,而是从一个老外来的。英雄所见略同。)
Regarding to your concern in terms of quality and product certification compliance ,
Quality : we never change the quality standard of your product , that’s why you haven’t got any problem on all Nordic’s shipment in the pervious inspection.
The only issue we found are Glass version for UK , and these are the new material which is typically just the workmanship problem.(这里有一个很重要的品管概念。BEA中的第二版块我会教大家什么类型的问题比较可以接受) therefore, I was asking you guys to give us an improvement plan which you think is workable and comfortable (这一手对供应商的技巧真不错。这老外应该也是个老司机,跟叔能玩上两手) , so that I can bring the whole story and negotiate with our inspection team. What I am trying to say , xxx is not a piggy customer as long as you can show us what it is “the actual situation” and how well (in a comfortable way )you can do to minimize the failure during the final assembly. (很好很好的高级品管问题沟通手段。为什么?要是他只是一个猪一样的品管员,他只懂说你没跟图纸做你超了标你该死。但高级的处理方法不是yes or no,而是WHY and HOW。这一,做了十年品管的人都不一定懂)
Products certification compliance : yes, I agree. But please understand that our TE just simply follow the requirement of EU regulation , it’s also not easy to manage as this is our 1st time to review a 6000hrs report. that’s why we got so many question around the ERP report which we believe was not qualified within the regulation, I understand how painful is it as I am also part of the communication to resolve all issue with all party. So now, anybody here (啊,那些爱挑文法毛病的中国人出来呀!来挑一下这老外的文法啊!来争议一下这该用everybody 还是anybody 呀!挑呀!怎么不挑呀?挑完有奖吗?挑完对你学做人做事有帮助呀?) have been leaning a lesson on how to control the ERP , and our procedure has been completely reviewed and simplified, this is the moment to enjoy all reward after passing through all the difficulty , we expect that xxx will be part of the party. (这套路又出现了。之前那篇用是有理由的,老外这里用也是有同一个理由的)
6. 到这里,我还没回复,在考虑客户这封这么诚恳的邮件,要怎么回复?
目前的想法是从公司营销策略角度说,我们的target market,target customer是大型商超或DIY超市,以维持公司可持续发展。公司的市场策略决定了不能再继续合作。
好了,暂停一下。我们先看到这里。同学仔在BEC的群内求救,我说你不如投稿吧这是一个好案例可以帮到不少外贸人。懂得花心思去考虑「和平分手」,老板也懂得去推掉这些不好的单,我觉得已经是个很好的开始。 Partner不止是一起发财,而是互相帮助。没错你的单量太少了我们没兴趣,但打从客户第一张PO开始,你们已经走在一起了。
我教了同学仔一个方法。用500强供应链管理的字眼,叫「Discontinuity management」。
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